Friday, September 17, 2010

Seasonal Archetypes-Colour Analysis

      Finding your seasonal colour is one tool to find your best look. There are a few way to find out what your seasonal colour is. First we need to find your undertone. One way to do these is by determining whether gold or silver brings out your skin. If gold is the colour than you have warm undertones and are either a spring or fall. If silver is the colour that highlights your feature than your undertones are cool and you are either a summer or winter. Another way to determine this is by studying you skin tone and if you have peach or gold undertones you have warm undertones and once again you are either a spring or fall. If you have pink or bluish you have cool undertones you are either a summer or winter.

     Then how do you determine whether you are a spring or fall, summer or winter. If you are a spring you will have strawberry blond or light auburn hair and if you are a fall you will have true red, auburn or copper hair. As a summer you have a gentle contrast between your hair and skin colour. As a winter you have a drastic contrast between your hair and skin colour.


As a spring it is best to wear rich warm colours. For outerwear, suits, pants and jackets choose green, browns and warm shades of purple.

For dresses, scarves and tops choose yellows, red, orange, sailor blue, peach, warm pink, salmon, coral and turquoise.

The book Work It by Jesse Garza and Joe Lupo, forward by Lisa Airan, M.D.  explains the colourtype with different terms.  Spring is Sun, Summer is Moon, Autumn is Earth and Winter is Star.  For Sun (Spring) they add cream and warm blues.


     As you summer it is best to choose cooler tones.  Think of the tones of the summer garden.  For jackets, suits and pants it is best to choose grays and blues.
For dresses, tops and scarves it is best to choose blues, silver, greens, cool violets, blue green, cloud white, pinks, lavender, fuchsia, rose, mauve and watermelon.

I n Work It, for Moon (Summer) they add sandy tones, yellow, fuchsia and magenta.


     As an autumn it best to choose warm colours.  For jackets pants and suits choose browns, warm shades or purple or forest or olive greens.

For tops, dresses and scarves choose yellows, reds, orange, copper, bronze, gold, deep teal, cinnamon, rust, olive, and sage.

In Work It, for Earth (Autumn) they add creams, light orange, marigold and warm blues.


As a winter you will look best in cool colours. Often an objective will be to wear a strong contrast in pieces of clothing to match with the strong contrast or your hair and skin. For jackets, suits and pants choose shade of gray, white and black.

For tops, dresses and scarves choose silver, blue, green, soft grays, cool violets, white, ruby red, emerald green, royal blue, purple and hot pink.

In Work It for Star (Winter) they add sandy shades, pales blues, yellow and pale cool greens.

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