Aunt Sally was on her motorcycle and had an accident. She now feels that she wants drivers to stay in their lane so that she can enjoy every freedom imaginable.
Aunt Sally went to Simcoe hospital in an ambulance. While at Simcoe hospital the doctors examined the nature of the injury to the left leg and discovered that she needed urgent care. She was then flown to Hamilton General.
A team of hospital staff, which included a resident doctor and nurses, made Aunt Sally’s hospital stay as effective as possible. She had her first operation to heal her broken hip, pelvis and knee.
The next day Aunt Sally was introduced to her surgeon, Monday she had surgery on her knee and Wednesday she had surgery to her pelvis. Since she needed more work done to her pelvis and opted for bone graph, she had a forth surgery a week later.
While at the hospital Aunt Sally had a lot of nurses that were very helpful and friendly working with her to help her heal. Her first nights were spent on the burn unit.
Aunt Sally moved to the Spine unit, West Wing and stayed in room 6-2 where she shared a room with Lady Carol. Carol had a lot of work done on her spine but Aunt Sally was jealous that Carol could walk but was happy because her leg started to heal.
The West Wing Spine unit had a lot of nurses, health care workers, janitors and diet team to help patients that need surgery to their spine, pelvis and legs. The nurses have had training at either College or University and had one to plenty of year’s experience.
The personal support workers (P.S.W.’s) often are new Canadians or training nurses and help with moving and cleaning patients. The janitors clean the rooms and mop the floors; the diet team brings the food to all of the patients for breakfast, lunch and supper.
While Aunt Sally was at the hospital she had to wear a gown, which was provided by the hospital. Since it was May she was quite warm so she asked Aunt Thressa to buy her some summer bed outfits. Aunt Thressa went shopping and bought clothes for herself and Aunt Sally.
Aunt Sally was introduced to physiotherapy, had a boot put on her foot to help stabilize it and moved into a bed chair so she could go outside. Aunt Sally and Aunt Joanne spent a whole afternoon outside at emergency and at the patio by the cafeteria. It was great.
Aunt Sally had a lot of visitors which she really enjoyed. One Sunday Aunt Joanne, Aunt Martha, Martha’s boyfriend Mark, Grandma, Aunt Cindy, Big Uncle John and Lara and Sally’s friend Rita all came by. We’re healing.
After two and a half weeks at Hamilton General Aunt Sally was transferred to Grand River hospital. It was nice to change hospitals but she was put in a ward, waiting for a semi private room.

Sally’s roommates included two ladies 88 years old and one lady her age. The nurses have been very attentive so far and the hospital is very effective.
After one week at KW Grand River hospital Aunt Sally went with About town Medical Transfer to Sunnyside. She stayed there for 2 months and then started to learn to walk again.
Aunt Sally is working with the Physiotherapist and his assistant to start walking with the help of a walker. She also does exercises with her right leg and arms to strengthen them.
Aunt Sally was able to leave Sunnyside for a day trip. She and Dave went to the beach which was about an hour drive.
Aunt Sally had a lot of time to draw in the hospital. This is when she starting writing and illustrating this book. Most of the pictures are done in crayon. The picture on the following page was drawn by Alexia.
Aunt Sally was able to go home but she still needed a lot of help. She found a physiotherapist, had the help of her occupational therapist, and had attendant care and housecleaning.
Home Sweet Home
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